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Image Processing Failed We Were Unable to Process Your Image. Please Try Again.

This post was most recently updated on February 26th, 2022.

5 min read.

This article will become through dissimilar solutions for fixing problems with uploading pictures to your WordPress Media Library. In that location are plenty of reasons that could cause this issue – and a couple of different ways to come across it.

Simply fear not! I'll exist proposing a few different ways to prepare the issue in your installation. And past "a few" I mean 10. Or more than, if I have updated the list after writing this paragraph!

Unlike some of the more aggravated users suggest online, this isn't likely to exist a issues in WordPress – rather, it is a configuration/compatibility upshot. Luckily, it'due south ordinarily something you can fix yourself.

Let'south get on with it, then!


And so, once more, the error you see is something like below:

Mail-processing of the image failed likely considering the server is decorated or does not accept plenty resources. Uploading a smaller image may help. Suggested maximum size is 2500 pixels.

This error might pop up in all of these different situations (and probably others, also):

  • Pasting pictures in the WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg)
  • Uploading pictures to Media Library using the Epitome -block
  • Uploading pictures to Media Library from the Admin site

So most of the time, it's something that you run into when you're uploading pictures to WordPress. So far, and so skilful, correct?

But the fault is non accurate, and it won't help y'all. Information technology's most likely Non the server being too decorated to serve y'all (information technology had i matter to practise, right?), and uploading a smaller picture will usually non work at all. It's much more than likely to exist a trouble in the configuration.


Before jumping into the actual steps to fix the upshot, let'southward quickly accost a workaround that might assistance a chip.

At least for yours truly, a workaround was to upload pictures 1-past-one direct to the Media Library from the Admin site, and refresh the page using F5 every time betwixt uploads.

It's a crappy workaround, every bit it only worked about 50% of the time, just information technology kept the site going before I figured out the actual reason.

And at present – let'south move on to the actual solutions!


There are quite a few possible reasons that might cause this issue to popular up. And hence, there are quite a few possible means to fix information technology.

I will try to outline some options in a simple checklist, that you can employ to try and fix this!

Fourth dimension needed:twenty minutes.

How to gear up " Mail-processing of the epitome failed likely considering the server is decorated or does non accept enough resources. " when uploading pictures to WordPress Media Library?

  1. Endeavor uploading your file using another browser

    A quick and easy thing to commencement with – try uploading your file using some other browser, or perchance but clear your cache to see whether that helps. Using the Incognito/Individual browsing manner might besides do the trick!

    As pointed out past Jason in the comments -department beneath, information technology's sometimes this easy :)

  2. Rename your file

    Don't utilize weird file names! Apostrophes, quotation marks, exclamation marks – stuff similar that is risky. Even in the 2020s, servers still don't always understand annihilation more than your basic Latin character gear up.

    Endeavor renaming your file to something that only has a-z and numbers, and run into if it helps.

  3. Remove all of the cookies for the site

    This is something a few people in the comments department have brought up: a quick thing yous can try is to remove all cookies for your WordPress site. That'll force you lot to sign in once again, but at that place'south a fair chance it'll actually fix the event, and let you upload media files again.

    Give it a try (and let me know if it works for you)!

  4. Verify your upload limit

    Makes sense to check this next – just open your Media Library and navigate to "Upload Files". Verify, that the "Maximum upload file size" is something meaningful – e.chiliad., not "ane MB" or something.

    Upload limit visible on WordPress Media Library's Upload-tab.

    In case you DO have something ridiculously small here, you need to increase the limit to something deadline unreasonable similar 128MB.

    At that place are multiple means to change this. If you have access to the php.ini file, yous tin configure it right there. If you don't have access to information technology (maybe you're on shared hosting?), you tin as well edit your .htaccess file to add something similar this:

    # BEGIN Increase upload max filesize
    According to this: https://world wide
    php_value upload_max_filesize 128M
    php_value post_max_size 128M
    # End

    You can remove the rows starting with a hash (#), they're just comments clarifying to your future self why you have added this part to the configuration!

  5. Verify your server resources

    Wait – what was the error message, again?

    Postal service-processing of the image failed likely because the server is decorated or does not take enough resources. Uploading a smaller image may help. Suggested maximum size is 2500 pixels.

    Hmm – despite what the mistake says, the server resources running out is about never the reason for the issue. However, it's uncomplicated to verify, so side by side, nosotros'll take a look at your spider web hosting plan!

    Navigate to cPanel (or whatever other server/account management software is bachelor to you) and cheque out the "Statistics" section (or equivalent) to see if the memory usage is anywhere close to maximum.

    In instance your server resource seem seriously underutilized, it might be a expert idea to enable your WordPress installation to apply a bit more of the resources. If you lot tin edit your php.ini file, you tin add this to the file:
    memory_limit = 512M

    You can also endeavour and add this to .htaccess:
    # BEGIN Increase memory limit According to this:
    php_value memory_limit 512M
    # END

    Or this in your wp-config.php file:
    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );

  6. Select a supported PHP version

    I've read a lot of people complaining virtually this on PHP 7.3 or PHP 7.4. While it DOES in fact work for me with PHP 7.three, you could try and see if downgrading to PHP 7.ii helps you.

    At the very least that'll assist y'all narrow the issue down a bit!

  7. Enable required PHP modules

    Verify, that your PHP version has a module called "Imagick" enabled. This tin exist done by finding your PHP modules in your spider web hosting provider'due south configuration console and combing through them to find it. This is unlike for each configuration panel, though!

  8. Enable required Apache modules

    I didn't even take admission to Apache modules in my instance, so couldn't verify – but I've seen a suggestion that a module called mod_fcgid needs to be enabled.

    Even that didn't assistance? On to the (even more) more than exotic solutions!

  9. Bypass GD Editor (any that fifty-fifty ways)

    Some people written report adding this to your functions.php can help:

    part use_gd_editor($array) {
    return array( 'WP_Image_Editor_GD', );
    add_filter( 'wp_image_editors', 'use_gd_editor' );

    Information technology didn't help me, just I thought I'd include it for the odd take chances it might help someone else.

  10. Disable or featherbed Cloudflare if you're using it

    This might be useful merely for narrowing downward the issue. Cloudflare will act as a proxy for your site, so while information technology might not interruption anything in itself, your WordPress installation might still misbehave. And Cloudflare might end up omitting the error letters y'all need to debug the issue!

    If everything works just fine without Cloudflare, so you know they're messing with something in your installation. What is it? Don't ask me – just contact their back up, because they're fantastic.

  11. Disable SecFilterEngine and SecFilterScanPost using .htaccess

    Ah – this is a fun one! My issue (aye – I went through everything above, first) was resolved by disabling mod_security.

    This is a bit unfortunate – but for whatever reason, it seems like it'due south messing with Cloudflare (at least with the current WordPress version I'm running – 5.4.2). I suggest undoing this hack as soon every bit possible.

    Anyway – hither's what I had to add to my .htaccess file:

    # BEGIN a horrible hack to fix upload errors
    # See this: https://world wide web.koskila.cyberspace/fixing-bug-with-uploading-pictures-to-wordpress-media-library/
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off
    # END a horrible hack

And that's about it! That's the article. Hope it helps – it'southward helped me a few times already!


  • https://rethinkify.cyberspace/fix-maximum-upload-php-retentiveness-issues-in-wordpress/
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